목록2024/12/16 (2)
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https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/6772BOJ - Choose Your Own Arithmetic문제 유형: 수학, 다이나믹 프로그래밍, dfs, 재귀, 백트래킹문제 난이도: Silver I시간 제한: 2초메모리 제한: 512MB 문제In Waterloo, you probably have seen some geese. How can you see geese with your calculator? Start with 6, add 7, multiply by 6, multiply by 8, add 7, multiply by 8, and multiply by 7, giving 35336. Then if you flip your calculator upside down, it says g..
https://leetcode.com/problems/final-array-state-after-k-multiplication-operations-i/description/leetcode - Final Array State After K Multiplication Operations I문제 유형: 구현, 그리디문제 난이도: Easy 문제You are given an integer array nums, an integer k, and an integer multiplier.You need to perform k operations on nums. In each operation:Find the minimum value x in nums. If there are multiple occurrences of t..