목록2024/10/01 (2)
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https://codeforces.com/contest/2013/problem/DCodeforces Round 973(Div. 2) - D. Minimize the Difference문제 유형 : 스택, 부분합, 그리디제한 시간: 2초제한 메모리: 256MB 문제Zhan, tired after the contest, gave the only task that he did not solve during the contest to his friend, Sungat. However, he could not solve it either, so we ask you to try to solve this problem.You are given an array a1,a2,…,an">𝑎1,𝑎2,…,𝑎?..
https://leetcode.com/problems/check-if-array-pairs-are-divisible-by-k/description/?envType=daily-question&envId=2024-10-01leetcode - Check If Array Pairs Are Divisible by K문제 유형 : 수학문제 난이도 : Medium 문제Given an array of integers arr of even length n and an integer k.We want to divide the array into exactly n / 2 pairs such that the sum of each pair is divisible by k.Return true If you can find a w..