목록코드포스 (2)
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https://codeforces.com/contest/2033/problem/BCodeforces Round 981(Div.3) - B. Sakurako and Water문제 유형: 구현, 행렬시간 제한: 2초메모리 제한: 256MB 문제During her journey with Kosuke, Sakurako and Kosuke found a valley that can be represented as a matrix of size n×n">n×n, where at the intersection of the i">i-th row and the j">j-th column is a mountain with a height of ai,j">ai,j. If ai,j<0">ai,j0, then..
https://codeforces.com/contest/2033/problem/ACodeforces Round 981(DIv.3) - A. Sakurako and Kosuke문제 유형: 수학, 구현시간 제한: 1초메모리 제한: 256MB 문제Sakurako and Kosuke decided to play some games with a dot on a coordinate line. The dot is currently located in position x=0">x=0. They will be taking turns, and Sakurako will be the one to start.On the i">i-th move, the current player will move the dot in some d..